Participate in Memorable Armadillo Racing Events

Armadillo Racing is the purest sport in the world today: unfettered by the unsavory underworld types like pari-mutuel racing; unscathed by strikes, like the NBA, NFL, MLB, and PBA (Bowlers); untouched by ludicrous player salaries, the armadillos race only for joy and earthworms; and unrestricted by huge, expensive tracks like those licensed by the Texas Racing Commission.
For maximum, Texas-sized impact, consider Super Dillos. This combines two racing tracks to make one large oval course. The increased size will enhance your guests racing and spectating experience.
Q. What kind of nut would buy an Armadillo race?
A. Some of the better known nuts who are previous race sponsors are: The Super Bowl, The Discovery Channel, Cotton Bowl Classic, Baylor University, MTV, Microsoft, Dow Corning, Mercedes, AT&T, Nike, Six Flags Over Texas, AVIS, Best Buy, Coca Cola, Dell, Exxon-Mobil, National Bar Association, and the National Mensa Convention.
Q. What kind of nut do you think I am?
A. The kind that might be: holding a special event or theme party; in need of an attention grabbing mixer; looking for a few laughs; entertaining international visitors or Yankees; or searching for a change of pace.
Q. What's included in this deal besides a few armadillos, a track and Sparks dressed up in western attire?
A. All kinds of stuff. Cheap prizes for participants; Texana galore; show and tell about the bizarre, prehistoric animals; tall tales; Yankee-baiting; photo opportunities; and one shamelessly silly, eminently promotable, amazingly simple and terrifically Texas event.
Q. What's the best way to present such a wacky program?
A. We find a couple of drinks early in the evening usually helps. Frankly, an armadillo race will not hold a crowd's attention for four hours. Fortunately, by running several races over the course of an evening, it fits ideally into band breaks, an "Olympic" event or as a colorful addition to a variety of other activities at a festival or Texas theme party. The rest of the time it is show and tell.
Q. Where would we put it?
A. The track comes in panels held together on the corners with Texas Flags and it only takes up a 12' x 20' space plus room for a crowd. We've been outside on playing fields at colleges and on lawns at private parties and picnics. We have run races inside all of Texas’ major convention hotels, a few clubs, and in convention centers and at trade shows.
Q. Surely you can't make a living running armadillo races, can you?
A. No, but we're trying. Until it becomes a full time job, we'll continue what we've been doing since 1977 - providing first rate Texas Entertainment.
Q. Has anyone from the Dallas Morning News ever written an article on this?
A. We thought you'd never ask. The following is excerpted from an article by Suzanne Martin of The Dallas Morning News:
Open Arms for Armadillos
[Excerpted from a Dallas Morning News Article by Suzanne Martin]
Pari-mutuel wagering on armadillo races hasn't been sanctioned in Texas yet. But Sparky Sparks is still bringing the critters to the starting gate. Sparky began racing armadillos in 1984. Since then he's taken the unusual event to corporate conventions, outdoor festivals, Texas Theme Parties, and business grand openings. He's also taken the animals to heart...
People sometimes bring him injured armadillos, which he mends when possible. He's even developed a special armadillo diet, a spin-off of the dillo feed served at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. So Sparky uses his racing events, not only to entertain folks, but also to educate them.
Between races a show-and-tell session lets people touch the animals' leathery shells and ask questions. Most people think armadillos are marsupials or reptiles, and they are surprised to learn that the animals are mammals, related to sloths and anteaters. They don't bite, but use their long , sharp claws to dig for worms and burrow into the ground for shelter.
Sparky captures most of his racers on East Texas pasture land. After the events, he returns the animals to roam freely and safely on his wooded acreage near Wills Point. For his races, Sparky uses a 12-by-20 foot track. Racing two or three animals at a time, he entices onlookers to serve as 'dillo jockeys', and they hold the animals steady at the starting line until Sparky gives the signal. Then it's up to the armadillos to find the finish line.